Entdecken Sie Ihr Geschäft Wir beraten Ihre geschäftlichen Bedürfnisse. Termin vereinbaren Wir beraten Ihre geschäftlichen Bedürfnisse und entwickeln maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Ihren Erfolg.
20 +
Years Experience
About us

We offer professional consulting for international companies.

IBAD provides comprehensive support for foreign companies in every area. Our team of experts helps you bring your ideas to life – from company formation to finding suitable cooperation partners. We offer advice on international tax matters, assistance in creating a business plan, and tailor-made solutions in areas such as digital marketing, hosting, web design, and web security.

Support for foreign companies

Begleitung der ausländischen Unternehmen

Business plan creation

Unterstützung beim Erstellen eines Businessplans

 Accompanying companies for their ideas

Begleitung der Unternehmen für Ihren Ideen

 Digital Marketing, Website & Hosting

Digital Marketing, Website & Hosting

 Tax Matters

Begleitung bei Internationalen Steuerangelegenheiten

 Search for suitable cooperation partners

Quisque placerat vitae lacus ut scelerisque. Fusce luctus odio ac nibh luctus, in porttitor.

Choose us

About usWhy us?

Integrated Expertise

Integrated Expertise

IBAD combines legal precision with innovative digital marketing strategies and offers comprehensive support in both areas.

Individual solutions

Individual solutions

We tailor our services to each client’s specific needs to ensure optimal results and long-term success.

Experienced partnership

Experienced partnership

Led by experienced professionals in law and marketing, IBAD offers reliable advice and innovative strategies to lead your business to success.

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